Paradise Palms

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Company! My Josh and Annie with their Kacey and Andrea

The weekend of my first big visit from my kids. Well, kids meaning two of my kids. Annie and Joshua were coming out on a road trip with Annie's friendAndrea and Joshua's friend Kacey. I was so excited. I even wet to Costco for afew items they would enjoy. Actually my first California trip to the mighty COSTCO! I over did it of course. I always want to make sure everything is just perfect.

The kids were doing a drive all night get here in the morning trip. I was of course very anxious for their safety since they drive Annie's Mazda 3. And even more aware of worries because Annie who is 18 insisted that she drive part of the way! She is the girl with the ticket zoom zoom issues. But I trusted in the chill out mother philosophy and went to bed. I woke up about 4:30 AM when I knew sleep was gone for the night, and anxious awaiting replaced it.

Just after five in the morning I hear a knock on the door. I fly out of bed, run down the stairs and open the door. There standing in the dark of Half Moon Bay misty darkness was Annie looking exhausted but alive. One by one they came in the house
where they were greeted with hugs and excitement from me. James referred me to a kid on Christmas Morning. I wanted to share everything here with them. Josh had seen the house because he moved us in. But it wasn't fixed up or in order. Annie had never been here. Annie loved the house. That made me feel really good. Im guessing she was expecting less than what she found. Josh loved what he saw also in everything being put into shape by mom mostly, but dad's picture hanging duties were a plus.

We fixed the kids up for some sleep and sleep they did. Joshua woke up first since I was by him playing music on the computer. The girls were next because I went and jumped on their bed and said time to play!

We enjoyed times at the beach, eating and San Francisco. They enjoyed Great America theme park, and the Santa
Cruz board walk.

Sunday morning we ha
d the joy of having them come to Sacrament meeting with us. I loved sharing my new people with them. I loved having them sitting next to me. I'm use to a crowd around me and it felt good. It was they day of my first Young Women's lesson so I couldn't spend much time after Sacrament with them. But I did run home with them and said goodbye and said my love you's and I was off.

When I came home little sign of them was left. And the house was quiet. Down side to having them come is having them leave.

I will miss kids coming into
my bathroom to do their hair, brush their teeth, really why do they always come in my b
athroom? Got to love it!

wednesday josh, andrea, kacey and annie drove out here and got here about 5 in the morning. i
heard them come in and i
was so out of it. annie came in and jumped on the bed and me and gave me a
hug. it was sooo much fun to see them.

thursday me and mom showed them the beach we live by and then went toy the beach that has the seals. they werent there. then we went to the chowder house everyone got something with fish in it and i was the only one who didnt. i am a baby when it comes to fish.
then all us kids went to santa cruz.

Friday all the kids went to great america. it was way fun. they had some good rides that were cool. andrea got a video of me on one of the rides.. haha pree funny. but its on her camera.
over all. i loved it.

saturday all of us including mom and dad went to san francisco and traffic was bad sometimes it was way busy i thought i was in new york sometimes. mom and dad left earlyer and the kids stayed and got home about at 11ish. got home and ate then bed. we were sooo tired. to the point where were out of it. it was alot of fun though.

sunday they left):

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